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Showing posts from October, 2018

10 Things Men Don't Care About.

These 10 Things in Life Men Don't really care about , according to me, will be presented in no particular order. This is not the computative College Football Playoff rankings. These are just some items, that although may be significant to other sectors of life and humanity, do not resonate with much importance to the fully grown adult male. We don't care about women's shoes . Men do not care about a women's fashionable shoe collection. Whether she is wearing flip-flops, tennis shoes, our Loubiton High Heels, we do not care. We do prefer women wears shoes that are at minimum comfortable enough for them to walk in. The date, who has to be chauffered everywhere by vehicle or car, is not our favorite. In addition, no man has chosen his wife or date based solely upon her shoe style and collection. We don't choose or break up with women because of their shoe style preferences. The moral of the story is for ladies to not spend so much damn money on shoes if impres

Are you "WOKE"?

Are you "Woke"? What is being woke? Being woke is an adjective and new age modern word. From what I've garnered from media and culture it describes a person who is extremely socially conscious on multiple  levels. For example, a "woke" person would not only be participating in the  midterm vote but would research all of the races from the top of the ticket down to the municipal quirky ballot bonds. A "woke" person could be described as being overtly environmentally conscious. For example, recently, certain stores and restaurants have commenced a "no straws" policy. This entirety removal of the straws, in a similar fashion to the "no bag" policy, I assume is an attempt to be environmentally aware. The hope and goals are to prevent plastics and unnecessary trash from polluting our ocean and the natural world. An honorable cause. Another woke real-life example is gender neutral bathrooms . Businesses open to the publi