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Showing posts from February, 2019

The Canvas People Band

Who are " The Canvas People "? Well, they are a promising, energetic, gig playing four-piece band from the Central Texas area. I discovered them over a year ago while sprawling around watching You-Tube videos. Luckily, I caught a Live Concert Video of theirs with around 4-5 Live Music Songs played via Concert. Unlike the thousands of other music videos I've previously watched, with the Canvas People's music I was instantly drawn-in and hooked! Before we get into the actual talent and musical leanings of "the Canvas People", let me provide with you my personal musical history. My musical preferred premonitions may provide clues as to why I've become an avid fan and concert goer of this harmony pumping, airy rock-infused, and jovial band quartet. As a current late thirty-something, my musical tastes and course of direction was influenced heavily by one specific friend and day.  While mindless perusing the aisles at Waterlo

The Quest for a Healthy Mind.

As this winter gray weather haze and fog lingers over my hometown and daily life, it just kind of sucks. Today's entirely gray skyline, with zero ounces of sunshine and colder weather, has a gleeful mood buzzkill factor. Today is the type of dreary weather day in Austin, Texas, which causes me to wonder if this is an example of the daily living environment of Portland Oregon, Seattle Washington and America's Pacific Northwest? I've personally never traveled northwest of San Francisco, California and wonder if the rainy, dreary weather is what dictates the Pacific Northwest Resident's day and moods. Are we succumbed by nature? If yes, Count me OUT. I am not a fan. This gray, overcast weather is both depressing and unexciting. As creatures of our surrounding environments, everything around us has an effect on our moods and well-being. Recently I spoke and visited with my fantastic, friendly, and humorous neighborhood car mechanic expert. For the majority this ma

Texas Book Festival, GVM Podcast Author Gameshow Style Audio Interview

Texas Book Festival Fall 2018, GVM Podcast Author Gameshow Style Audio Interview.  Click here and skip ahead to the 41:11 minute and second mark for GVM Audio Portion . " Born in Austin, George Vance McGee is a liberal arts graduate from the University of Texas. He is the author of Attractive Tales from Grand Cities : A Social Memoir, & "Open Mindful, Philosophy on the Fly." He spent five years living and working in NYC before returning to his hometown of Austin, where he writes and works as a realtor."

What are we wasting our Lives on?

What are we wasting our lives on?  It's gotta be something. Are you wasting your time, energy, and finances on your pets, your cable television bill or by simply sitting on the couch? Are you wasting your time partying? Are you just meandering in nothingness? What do these time and life wasting activities accomplish? Very little to nothing my friends. I am personally guilty of watching too much cable television (hermit-style) in my studio, while endlessly reading social media and news articles on my iPhone and iPad. In my defense, reading is healthy for your brain. Folks, our actual alive time on earth is finite and limited! We only possess so much physical energy and resources to expunge. Why waste them walking around some animal on a leash, with plastic dog poop bags in your pocket, only to then be forced to manually pick up dog feces.  I'm gonna be honest, I don't get the allure or rewards from pet ownership. No thanks on pet ownership in this personal opin