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Showing posts from April, 2019

Hippie Culture Resurrections

Have you witnessed any 1960's and 1970's time period and hippie era culture resurrections lately? Why? Because I have. Since I myself was born in the year of 1981, I was never alive and able to with-hold the first-person experience of the actual flower power, peace proponents, fresh drugs, free love, Woodstock's music festival and feelings of actual hippie culture. Thus, in today's times, you and I, and all of us can only experience hippie culture when it is passed down, and like a turtle decides to poke its head out. An excellent example of a Hippie Culture Resurrection occurs in my hometown of Austin Texas. 1x a year in Pease Park circa downtown's 12th and Lamar Boulevard, a free and ALL welcoming daytime festival happens called Eeyore's birthday party. My actual hippie dad and his friends introduced me to it, as they have been attending it for decades. In essence, it's a day time party and freedom festival celebrating open-mind

A Slice of Houston, TX

I adhere to  the "Make Me Move," or "Make Me Vacation" philosophy. My mini and lengthier vacations lean closer to being induced, rather than actually chosen. One morning last week, while eating at the lethargically ruined and now corporately Jeff Bezos owned  Whole Amazon Foods , I got an enticing notification from my email. For your Information, the general atmosphere nowadays in the Whole Foods organic grocery store, post corporate sellout is vacuous, soul-sucking and lame. There are also fewer people shopping in there too! Why? Customers don't want to put their money towards corporate greed. Back to the story, this specific email notification was from Airbnb . It was an offer to earn Half of a $Grand or $510.22 exactly to vacate and vacation rental my Clarksville 400 square foot Author's studio for 4 nights. Why was my rustic deficiency so wanted? This vacation Airbnb renter, we'll refer to as Luke, desired a place to crash in Aust