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Showing posts from June, 2019

Is this the End of Talking?

Remember that human interaction with voices, sound inflection, word emphasis, and friendly colloquialisms? Yea, that action called talking. Do you ever use it? Well, it seems to me, that talking, doesn't exist anymore. What happened? Within the general public, and in mid to larger to megacities, I've personally noticed, with the exception of required customer service jobs, people don't actually talk to each other anymore. It's kind of sad. Why is this perhaps the end of talking? Will talking make a comeback like the 1990's boy bands and dormant television sitcoms? I don't know, time will tell if the action of talking will return. Talking has been Missing in Action. Talking appears to have little upside. Society these days has too many feelings, insecurities, sexual harassment lawsuits, rules and societal issues for talking to be allowed. When people talk, the energy regardless of one's honest intentions is often misinterpreted.  One side of

Seeking Literary Agent, Publisher to make this blog an excellent NEW BOOK!

I'm seeking a  LITERARY Agent or Publisher   that is willing to guide and work with me to get my 3rd book transcript officially and successfully published! I currently live and work in Austin, Texas. 512.657.9281 iphone,  Please email me for a 142-page working transcript, in which an almost majority of the book and chapters are written. Based on the literary online BLOG:  Liberating Rants. Here are some names and chapter topics: Is Freedom of Speech safe? The Modern Removal of the Confederacy, Peter Pan Syndrome, the Resistance, The Mental Reset Method, Are you Woke? Affordable Housing is a Myth, The Battle for your Attention, South Padre Island Times, the Nashville Experience, a Las Vegas Nevada Review.  Click here for the press release I sent to a list of Literary Agents & Agencies