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Showing posts from December, 2018

A Stipend. Why College Athletes Deserve it.

As the winter Holiday College Football Bowl Game season trots along, the big-timing television broadcasts and corporate sponsorships are profound evidence to grant College Athletes a stipend . It has become painfully obvious, now is the time to start paying these collegiate athletes. Prominent University scholarship athletes are unpaid indentured servants. These young adults sacrifice their entire physical bodies, innate well-being, reduced study time, and more in honor of representing their employers. Whoops, I mean Universities. The NCAA and United States judicial courts have turned a blind eye for way too long on this controversial subject. In my opinion, these entertaining, constantly producing and hard-working college athletes deserve to be paid a monthly stipend during their participating semesters. They should NOT be paid during their summer vacations and scholastic breaks.  How much $$ should this monetary monthly allowance and stipend be? I think the stipend should

Affordable Housing is a Myth

One word to start, Capitalism . Capitalism is the basis for our entire 50 state nation's economy. It is also why despite the government, charity, and righteous citizens best wishes, affordable housing is a losing cause. Don't get me wrong, I do believe in select spots and locations where affordable housing can be helpful. For example, let's say an honest hardworking American has a major medical setback which bankrupts them? This unlucky human perhaps deserves affordable housing. Let's say unfortunately a person genetically predisposed to alcoholism and drug addiction needs to wean themselves back to sobriety and productivity? This person deserves a rehabilitating healthy environment and affordable housing too. Let's say, there is an earthly natural disaster which ruins neighborhoods and displaces human families. I personally think these families deserve temporary affordable housing. The above-aforementioned instances are 3 excellent real-life examples

The Heroism of Journalists

Jim Acosta of the heaving, hard question asking Cable News Network (CNN) and his fellow journalists are the true HEROS of today's modern and digital news times. Even the Supreme Court Justices of the United States went against the White House administration and just re-approved journalists' right to free speech and questioning. Hooray! Long live the 1st Amendment! The current President for some odd and no explainable reason chooses to trash and disrespect honest, diligently working media journalists. Why does the president make obnoxious efforts to downgrade journalism and the 1st Amendment? Neither Bush president whined about the Press. Maybe it is because Number #45 himself can't write. His "Art of the Deal" book was ghost-written. Check out the ghostwriter, Mr. Tony Schwartz's Twitter feed . He negatively rails on Trump constantly. That's not a good sign when your pseudo biographer and book writer in charge of learning about your life and putti