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LONE STAR BOOK AUTHOR BOOK FESTIVAL = ON! Saturday May 29th, Central Park Square, Seguin, TX


First off, thank you to everyone who responded with their thoughts about the Lone Star Festival being canceled at the Seguin Events Complex. 


Based on y’alls responses and working with the city we have come up with a program that will work in some format for everyone that had paid their fee. 


First, for those who are not thrilled about the heat, we are going to participate in the Pecan Festival currently scheduled for October 30 & 31 (Halloween weekend).  There is a discussion of moving it to the week before, so at this time it is NOT set in stone for that weekend. 


Those that wanted to wait for cooler weather can have a table in our booths at this event.  It will be limited to 10 authors only.  So, if you are one of those authors wanting to wait for cooler weather, this is your event.  NO additional fees or charges will be required, just email me with your request to be in that tent. 


Now, for the majority of you authors that felt doing it on the square was a great option, we are doing it on May 29th on the square.  Just as above, you will NOT be paying any additional fees for this change.  We will provide tents and tables as needed.  If you do have your table, please bring it.  We will ONLY be providing 4’ tables for this event.  If you need bigger tables and have one, please plan on bringing it. 


There will be access to electricity in small amounts, due to limited outlets.  Perfect for charging your phones, tablets, etc.  Not for long-term use. 


We will be providing for large fans to help keep certain areas cooler than without the fan.  We are expecting the highs to be in the 80’s, not currently expecting more than that. We will keep an eye on the temp as it gets closer to help adjust things as needed. 


Because of the outside aspect, we are going to work with the musicians to create a time flow to still allow for readings in the center of the park, where they will also be playing. 


Attached is a layout as it currently stands, with some adjustments as needed. 


Finally, I need each author that wants to attend the May 29th outdoor event to confirm they are on board with the adjustments, and if they feel having the event is best one day or two days.  Of course, two days will increase our costs but may add to the fun of the Holiday weekend. 


I have begun working with the Chamber and the schools to see what additional fun we can add to the event to make it as successful as we can. 


As always, if you have any questions, please let me know. 


B Alan Bourgeois
Authors Marketing International LLC


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